Getting Back on the Wagon

I’m going to start my 365 project again after failing in 2010. I’m determined to make it this year, if only because I am so glad to have taken some of the photos that I did last year. So, day 1: July 14, 2011. I got off work early, grabbed Arturo and...

Project 365 – Week 3

This is photo 3/100 of my 100 friends project. Desiree has been one of my best friends for nearly the last decade. We met up this afternoon at Flying Goat, which is pretty much my default meeting spot. There was a small pause in the rain this afternoon, so I went out...

Project 365 – Week 2

I assisted Rigel with his 365 today. I poured several gallons of water on his head for his self portrait and it was so fun to drench him that I asked if we could do it just one more time with my camera. I look a little maniacal but that was kind of the theme of the...

Project 365 – Week 1

I have had SO much fun this week with my 365 challenge. I started off the week at the California Academy of Sciences, taking a photo of my very first stranger for the 100 Strangers challenge (something I will be keeping up with all year), and wrapped it up with good...

Project 365 – January 1, 2010

I’m celebrating the turn of the new year with a photo project. I will be taking (at least) one photo a day, every day for the next year. I’m planning on doing a weekly round-up here on, but I’m kicking the challenge off with my...